Sermon 5/5/2024: “Genuine God Talk”

Listen Here: “Genuine God Talk

John 15:9-17; Acts 10:44-48

  • God had used various cultural practices to create a separation between the Jews and the Gentiles.
    • God had separated the Jews from the rest of the world in various culutral ways because He had a specific job for them.
    • The coming of Jesus Christ meant the completion of that job.
  • God was tearing down the cultural walls/divisions between Jews and Gentiles.
  • Jesus Christ was opening the gospel to all of the peoples of the world, not just the Jews.
  • God had given the law to the Jews and separated them from the cultures of the world so that they could not blame anyone else for their multiple failures to live in obedience.
    • God knew that they would fail, but charged them to succeed, knowing that they would fail.
    • Why would God do that? Why would God demand that people do something that they could not do, and then ask them to record their repeated efforts and failures?

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