Sermon 12/29/2024: “Now What?”

Listen here: “Now What?

Luke 2:41-52; Colossians 3:12-17

  • Before the 20th century, young people were seen as either children or adults. There was no inbetween.
  • But as the world changed, so did the way people thought about youth.
  • In the 1950s, the idea of teenagers burst onto the scene with their own teenage style, music, and way of life.
  • The origin of the teenager goes back farther, to changes in schooling and parenting as the nation industrialized after the Civil War.
  • As people moved from farms to factories, labor unions formed and advocated for young people to stay out of the workforce to ensure higher wages for adult workers.
  • when Jesus was found in the Temple talking with the teachers, He was a young adult, a young man and therefore responsible for adult things.
    • The fact that His parents couldn’t find Him because they didn’t know where He was when it was time to leave Jerusalem and return home doesn’t mean that they were irresponsible parents who “lost” Jesus in the big city. Not at all!
    • Jesus was 12, and therefore was a responsible adult. He was not a child. They didn’t even look for him until they were on their way home. They expected Him to take care of Himself, and be on the caravan home.
  • When His parents found Him they were distressed.
    • They were not distressed at his carelessness about not telling them where He was.
    • They were distressed because He had mistreated them.
    • And how did Jesus mistreat them?
  • (This is just a teaser. If you want to know more, listen to the sermon.)
  • Sunday morning messages are available on the website ( Tell your friends.

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