Sermon 10/6/2024: “Hard Truth, Greater Grace”

Listen Here: “Hard Truth, Greater Grace

Genesis 2:18-24; Mark 10:2-16

  • Man here is a generic term. It does not mean male; it means human.
    • The design of the human body is amazing, in part because we are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).
  • God created Adam and gave him a job before He gave him a wife. He was to name the animals.
    • Adam was a taxonomist. Taxonomy is the science of classification. Taxonomists name things and group them into classifications. Taxonomy is the first science.
  • Why did God use a rib? God made a chromosomal change in Eve. Every human child has the DNA encoding that produces twelve pairs of ribs. Adam’s sons and daughters all have the same number of ribs that Adam originally had.
  • But there is another interesting fact about ribs: Ribs regenerate. All bones in the human body are able to mend themselves, but rib bone is unique in that it can regenerate.
  • (This is just a teaser. If you want to know more, listen to the sermon.)
  • Sunday morning messages are available on the website ( Tell your friends.

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