Oklahoma Disaster Relief Effort
St. Paul’s Church is participating in the drive to collect items for DisasterRelief for the families in Oklahoma. There will be a large box in the entrance of the church for donations. Below is a brief list of items that are needed:
- Personal Hygiene Items of Every Kind
- Clothing (New)
- Cleaning Supplies
- Paper Products
- Non-Perishable Food Items
- Toys
- Baby Items
- Bedding
- Shelter Items
Plesase bring any items you would like to donate this Sunday 5/26/2013
Congregational Meeting – 6/9/2013
There will be a Congregational Meeting immediately after the morning worship service on Sunday June 9, 2013 to discuss a building maintenance issue. Please plan to stay for this brief meeting.
What a great effort! Our Sunday school kids made four backpacks with some supplies to contribute to the school kids in Oklahoma. We prayed for them and the loving and sharing experience was wonderful.
I love the new website with the opportunity to interact. It helps to keep me in the loop. I have not found how to contact other St. Paul’s members but I,will keep looking.
Great work!
What a great project for the Sunday School Kids. Please tell them we are very proud of them.
Pastor Tom