June 12, 2022: “Get Real” Phillip A. Ross:
Joe Vasarhelyi
“Climbing Higher To See” (10/30/2016) Climbing Higher To See
Pastor Phil
“Who Are We?” (7/5/2020) Who Are We?
“Unity” (7/5/2020) Unity
“Beyond Reproach” (7/20/2019) Beyond Reproach
“Spit & Dirt” (06/02/2019) Spit & Dirt
“Real Vival” (03/25/2018) Real Vival
“Reassure Us” (03/25/2018) Reassure Us
“Expectations” (03/19/2017) Expectations
“Behold” (03/05/2017) Behold
“Suffering” (02/19/2017) Suffering
“The Perfect Temple” (02/19/2017) The Perfect Temple
“He Helps” (02/12/2017) He Helps
“Blessed Be” (01/29/2017) Blessed Be
“Darkness Dispelled” (01/01/2017) Darkness Dispelled
“The Vulnerable God” (12/11/2016) The Vulnerable God
“The Omnipotent God” (12/04/2016) The Omnipotent God
“Unity in Christ” (11/20/2016) Unity in Christ
Mitosis video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6ucKWIIFmg
“Leadership: Characteristics” (10/16/2016) Leadership: Characteristics
“Leadership: Qualities” (9/25/2016) Leadership: Qualities
“Leadership: Aspiration” (9/18/2016) Leadership: Aspiration
“Vision, Purpose, Mission” (9/11/2016) Vision, Purpose, Mission
“Tithe, Talent, Treasure” (9/4/2016) Tithe, Talent, Treasure
“Oversight” (8/21/2016) Oversight
“What is an Evangelical?” (7/10/2016) What is an Evangelical
“Beginning Again” (1-10-16) PAR_Beginning Again_002PAR_Beginning Again_003
What, Me Worry? (2012) – What-Me-Worry
Do What? (2012) – Do What?
Rev. Jim Barnes, National Minister of the EARCCC, 2009
Evangelical Association of Reformed and Congregational Christian Churches.Hope Does Not Disappoint – Jim Barnes
Kirk Wilson – MOV Young Life
“Healing The Paralyltic” (11/27/2016) Healing The Paralytic